How to Resolve your Facebook and Instagram Ad Account Issues.
Do you wonder how to resolve your Facebook and Instagram ad account issue? Then you should ask yourself the following question
‘how familiar are you with the advertising policies that are involved while making use of these platforms?’.
Running ads on various platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are ways to successfully run a business and make sales 24/7 but it all boils down to how well you understand the logic behind creating Facebook and Instagram ads.
Running ads is an important part of online marketing but be aware that If you run ads on Facebook or Instagram, at some point you are going to have some form of ad account issue or ban on your account. Sometimes it’s because you probably broke a Facebook advertising community rule, other times it may just be by mistake.
Facebook and Instagram can be overprotective and they are extremely high on keeping their community safe. Therefore, your account can be flagged or disabled if they sense any of the following
- You are performing a suspicious activity.
- Your ad copy looks like one of the ad copies that they have flagged or disabled before.
- You simply broke a rule without knowing.
- When they need you to confirm your identity and prove that you are the right person etc
- Your Landing page does not comply with Facebook advertising guidelines
- Your ads have inappropriate images.
Now, the truth is there are some images, ads and products that you cannot advertise on Instagram or Facebook but a lot of people do not know this, they go ahead to run such or use such images and their account gets blocked or disabled. When trying to resolve your Facebook and Instagram ad account issue, you should ensure that you are not advertising things like nudity, alcohol, casinos etc as these types of ads are prohibited, this is why you need to always check the Facebook advertising and community guidelines so that you know when or if you are breaching any of the rules. Facebook and Instagram is a community and they have rules and regulation just like a country and they want to keep their community safe, so you have to always be in line and play by the rules.
Also, keep in mind that sometimes it’s not what you do on Facebook or Instagram that leads to your account being flagged, it may be that your advert is leading to a landing page or a website that is not compliant with Facebook or Instagram rules. To avoid your ad account from being disabled, always make it a habit to ensure that your accounts, landing pages and websites are compliant with Facebook or Instagram rules. Follow the Facebook rules, stay compliant and be out of trouble. If your ad account gets flagged or disabled and you did not break any of the rules, then it will be easier to complain and get your AD account back.
Popular Facebook Ad Account Issues
Before a problem can be solved, you must be able to identify what the problem really is.
As a guide on how to resolve your Facebook and Instagram ad account issue, we have compiled popular issues that Facebook and Instagram ads users often encounter. With this, you can identify the issues that you may be experiencing and prevent or fix them.
1. Card decline / Payment Due – This is when your attached debit card suddenly stops working or none of your cards works with your ad account.
2. Ad account disabled – This is when one ad account is disabled. It could be because you owe Facebook, or you have broken one or more of Facebook’s advertising or community rules. If you have other ad accounts, you can still run ads while you fix the affected ad account.
3. Account restricted from advertising – This means all your ad accounts and advertising assets have been frozen. Facebook often gives about 28 days to appeal this.
4. No permission – This is usually more common with Instagram, It often means your Instagram is not connected to the correct advertising assets.
5. Add two-factor authentication – Facebook and Instagram are big on safety. Sometimes ad accounts get temporarily disabled because two-factor authentication has not been activated.
6. Suspicious activities – This could be for several reasons but this is often activated to keep your account safe.
I was once a victim of this, while I was trying to run an ad, my internet constantly kept going off. When I was finally able to publish the ad, I got a message about my ad account being disabled because of suspicious activities.
7. Verify your email to continue – This typically just shows up as an ad account disabled when you check from Instagram but when you get to Your Meta (Facebook) business manager, you find this message ‘Verify your email to continue” Which simply means, you don’t have an email attached to your Facebook business manager.
8. You can also have your entire business manager disabled.
How to Prevent or Resolve your Facebook or Instagram Ads Issues
Now that you know what the issues are, how do you stay out of trouble or fix whatever issues that you have?
You can find the solutions below
- You need to understand the Facebook community and advertising guidelines, follow the link below to read and learn that.
- Check your account quality; always check it to be sure that you do not have any infringement or issues. follow the link below to check that out.
- Understand the Facebook business manager, which I have previously mentioned to be the Facebook advertising backend. When you understand the Facebook business manager and you can navigate it, it then would be easy for you to find whatever issues your Facebook or your Instagram ads may have. Understanding your Facebook business manager will help you prevent and fix almost any issue that you may encounter with Facebook or Instagram advertising. This is because you understand the echo system, so, you understand how it works.
To be able to do this, follow the link below to sign up for our powerful course that shows you the Facebook advertising backend. This course will teach you how to resolve your Facebook and Instagram ad account issues and help you learn how to solve them. The course basically takes you through how to navigate almost everything concerning Facebook and Instagram ads.
How to resolve your Facebook & Instagram ads issues –
(this also includes the card decline course)
Card Decline issues (For Nigerians only) –
If you are confused about which course to purchase Follow the link below to check out the ad account issue you are having.
Please note that it may be safer to buy the full course as your ad account may have multiple issues.
Need personalised help? Follow the WhatsApp link below
You can also watch
How to change your Instagram ad account & run ads on Instagram here.
Below is the link to the video on how to resolve your Facebook & Instagram ads issues